Use a Drawing Tablet With Firealpaca

Anonymous asked: (Fire alpaca anon) Mhm. I have a drawing tablet and I've used Clip paint studio before. I got it with my tablet. SAI and photoshop are expensive

they sure are, buddy

I'm gonna give some basic advice because you said you had no clue how to do it

Firealpaca doesn't have as many features as CPS, probably. I just checked out the trial version and wowie!

lemme start with a screenshot of my firealpaca


(since tumblr kills the size, i'll provide you a better view here)
(sorry the brush names are in portuguese)
(the layer and navigation windows are kinda easy to understand but-
a clipping layer is a layer to color the layer below
protect alpha will only let you color what is already in the layer)

I am not sure if CPS has a smoothing option, but the first thing I noticed when I checked it was that it wasn't to my liking. So if your strokes feel weird, mess with the "Correction" first to see if you can make it better.

I remember i didn't have my color wheel when i installed mine, so check if you have everything open in the Window tab, then go to the Color tab. If you don't like the Color Wheel, there's a Color Bar, too, so you can check that out.

Also, under the File tab, you can find useful configurations such as the Shortcut Settings and the Environment Settings. shortcuts are a blessing

The brush window doesn't really show a prev of the brushes, so you'll have to check them out one by one and see if you like it. Under the brush window, there's a few options you can use to make a new brush. These colors on the list don't actually mean anything, but the number means the size of the brush.

FireAlpaca's brushes are not very customizable. You can double click each one for a few more options, but what you see is what you get.

Now, I'm not sure if CPS has a vector brush, but FireAlpaca doesn't. The closest to that you can get is the last option on the Snap grid, and ITS REALLY BAD !!!! in my opinion

Speaking about the Snap Grid(that thing I said to keep off!!!), it can be really useful if you're bad at drawing a straight line. Pressing a key from 1 to 7 will give you one of the grids available. When they're on, your brush will only be able to draw in these lines. Like this!


And if you want to change the grid's root/position, you can click that little dot between the last grid and the anti aliasing


about the text tool-
yeah, it's not THAT much.
It's basically the same thing as old windows XP ms paint's text tool, but slightly better


You can't color words individually in each sentence or change their appearance. The settings you have in each text layer will be the same for all the text. Just double click the layer if you want to edit it.

Just click the place you want your text to be and the text window will show up. Yeah, you'll have to move it because the text most likely won't be where you want it to be. That's all. Simple af.

"hey pate i noticed your file shows its location, including your drawing folder with a horribly large name, is there a way to make it shorter???"


so far I don't really know how to go thru the open files without a scroll wheel and it SUUUUCKS because my draw folder has such a large name rip me

well you probably knew all of that but REALLY if you need to know any specific tricks, please dont be shy to ask me because i love teaching even though im bad at it !!

also main advice when you're new with a program is to check everything with a test drawing. it toOK ME A WHILE TO NOTICE LUMINOSITY WAS "ADD" AND NOT "LIGHTEN" BC I DIDNT CHECK THE LAYER BLENDING OPTIONS cries

Use a Drawing Tablet With Firealpaca


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