Why Does My Instagram Say Please Wait a Few Minutes Before You Try Again

Are you trying to log in to your Instagram account but this error message pops up, "Please wait a few minutes before you try again"?

Or perhaps you're trying to view your Instagram feed, simply information technology only shows the fault message.

Either way, it can exist frustrating because you might not know the exact cause of the error, and how to set it.

At times like this, Instagram is usually not down, simply the problem is from your stop. You might take done something that caused the mistake.

In this commodity, you'll acquire why you got the mistake, how to fix and foreclose information technology.

  • Why does my Instagram say please wait a few minutes before yous try again?
  • How to set "Please wait a few minutes earlier you lot endeavor once again" on Instagram
  • How to prevent "Please await a few minutes before yous attempt once again" on Instagram

Why does my Instagram say please wait a few minutes before you try again?

Instagram says, "Delight wait a few minutes before trying again" because you might accept logged in and out too fast, or you're using a third-party app.

Whenever y'all receive the mistake message, information technology's normally due to a mistake on Instagram'south end.

If y'all received this error bulletin, "Delight look a few minutes before you try once more", your IP address is blocked by Instagram.

Instagram is trying to mitigate bots and automation on their platform, so if they detected bot action on your end, they will cake you.

There are many dissimilar types of blocks on Instagram, and the error message you're getting is just one of many.

At the cease of the day, it is a preventative measure to end the surge of bots and automation on the platform.

Though at times, y'all may be mistaken from being a bot, and in that location's no fashion you tin can bear witness to Instagram that you're man.

Since Instagram doesn't have a CAPTCHA for y'all to determine whether you lot're homo, there usually isn't a fix inside the app itself.

If that's the instance, what practice you do? In the later section of the article, you'll learn how to set the fault bulletin so that you lot tin log in to Instagram again.

Or if your feed isn't visible, you'll larn how to get it to show once again.

For at present, permit's get into the couple of reasons why y'all're getting the error bulletin (in detail).

1. Y'all're logging in and out also fast

Firstly, you might be logging in and out too fast on Instagram.

This can be done either from 1 device, or multiple devices.

Either way, Instagram might call up that you lot're a bot, or that someone is trying to hack your account.

If you're logging in and out repeatedly, there's a loftier run a risk that yous will be blocked from logging for a while.

Repeatedly logging in and out of your Instagram account does not seem human, so Instagram will think that you lot're a bot.

If you're logging in and out of Instagram too fast, your IP address will send too many requests to Instagram'southward server.

That being said, Instagram will temporarily block your IP address and prevent yous from logging in as it imposes a risk of a DDOS assail.

In other words, you are beingness rate limited by Instagram.

2. Y'all're using a 3rd-political party app

Secondly, you might be getting the "Please wait a few minutes before you effort again" error on Instagram because y'all're using a third-political party app or tool.

The vast majority of third-political party apps require you to log in to your Instagram business relationship.

If y'all're logging in to multiple third-party apps, there'due south a high adventure that Instagram will block you from logging in.

There are a few scheduling apps that Instagram has partnered with, but those that are not imposes a chance on your account.

For example, if you're logging in to a third-party app that is non an Instagram partner, Instagram might prevent you from logging in on the app.

This is especially so if you're logging in to multiple third-party apps.

To check whether a tertiary-party app is partnered with Instagram, yous tin browse Facebook's partner directory.

How to ready "Please wait a few minutes before y'all try again" on Instagram

Whenever you receive the "Please wait a few minutes before you try again" mistake, Instagram has blocked your IP address.

That beingness said, fifty-fifty if you try uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram, it may not be able to set the error.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram, or immigration its cache volition not fix the fault.

There's a huge misconception that uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram fixes the error, merely that is simply not true. Non everything tin be solved past this.

Similarly, immigration the app'due south cache may not work as well, because it does not clear your IP address.

That being said, y'all shouldn't bother deleting and installing the Instagram app again, or clearing its enshroud as it does non fix the fault.

In addition, updating the Instagram app volition not ready a thing as well. As these solutions are redundant, you shouldn't waste matter your time trying them.

So how to you fix the error message since these solutions don't work?

Here are three proven ways to fix the "Delight look a few minutes earlier you try once again" on Instagram.

1. Switch your mobile network

Turn off WiFi iPhone

The first method is to switch your mobile network.

If yous're using your mobile data (eastward.g. 4G), try connecting to a WiFi.

Conversely, if you lot're connected to a WiFi, effort switching to mobile data.

The IP address on a WiFi and cellular data is not the aforementioned. So, if y'all switch from one network to the other, your IP address will change.

If yous're facing the, "Please wait a few minutes before you try again" error on Instagram, your IP accost has been temporarily blocked.

This means that you won't be able to log in to your Instagram business relationship (or view your feed) for the duration.

Still, if y'all happen to switch your mobile network from WiFi to mobile information, and vice-versa, the error message will be lifted.

So, if you're currently facing the error message, switching your mobile network is your best bet to getting rid of information technology.

2. Use a VPN


Secondly, you can try using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to go rid of the fault.

Connecting to a VPN volition hide your IP address from Instagram.

This means that if you're continued to a VPN, Instagram won't be able to detect your IP address.

If you've been blocked prior to using a VPN, Instagram has already blocked your IP address.

However, if you lot happen to connect to a VPN subsequently, Instagram won't be able to know your IP address, and the error message volition be lifted.

You lot can download a VPN on your device past searching for "VPN" on the App Store/Google Play Store. Most of these apps are complimentary to download.

As a VPN uses a different IP address from your own, Instagram will not be able to tell that you're using the same device.

Every bit such, you volition be able to log in or view your Instagram feed again.

3. Look it out

The error bulletin will typically concluding for 24 to 48 hours (every bit reported by multiple users), and y'all should be able to log in after that.

Lastly, if you've received the, "Please wait a few minutes before yous endeavour once again" error on Instagram, you tin can try waiting it out.

The error message volition typically last for 24 hours to 48 hours.

Many Instagram users reported that they managed to access their account after waiting for 24 hours.

And so, if you're not rushing to access Instagram, then you should look for the error bulletin to be lifted.

The error bulletin is just a temporary cake to your IP address, and then you lot don't have to worry virtually information technology being permanent.

If you want to be actress cautious, don't use the app for 24 hours, and endeavour logging in after.

You should exist able to login to Instagram and admission your feed if you exercise.

How to preclude "Delight look a few minutes before you try once more" on Instagram

Now that you know why you got the error, and how to fix it, it's time for you to learn how to forestall it.

It'due south always best to prevent the error equally you won't have to go to the problem to gear up it.

In that location are two chief ways to prevent the "Please wait a few minutes before yous try again" on Instagram.

1. Stop logging in and out repeatedly

Firstly, you lot should stop logging in and out repeatedly on Instagram.

This usually happens if you lot're using multiple devices.

For example, if y'all're using a desktop and a mobile device, y'all should only login to one at a time.

Logging in and out repeatedly will crusade Instagram to block your IP address, so you have to ensure that you cease it.

2. Don't employ third-political party apps

Revoke apps and websites Instagram

Secondly, you lot should stop using whatsoever third-party apps, tools, or automation.

This is particularly and then if you're using multiple third-party apps.

There is a limit to the number of third-party apps that you're allowed to log in on Instagram, and your IP address might be blocked if you're logged in to multiple.

In order to prevent this, you can log out to all third-political party apps.

Alternatively, you tin revoke 3rd-party apps that are connected to your Instagram account on the desktop or mobile device.

Here's how you can revoke tertiary-party apps on a desktop:

  1. Log in to the Instagram website on your desktop.
  2. Go to your profile and tap on settings.
  3. Tap on "Apps and Websites", then tap on "Remove" to remove any tertiary-party apps/websites.

Here's how you can revoke 3rd-party apps on a mobile device:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap on the carte icon at the top-right paw corner.
  2. Tap on settings, then select "Security".
  3. Tap on "Apps and websites" under Data and history, tap on "Active", so tap on "Remove" to remove whatsoever tertiary-party apps/websites.

Now that you lot removed unauthorized apps and websites, y'all will be logged out from them.


The "Please look a few minutes before you try again" on Instagram is frustrating equally you're not able to login to Instagram or access your feed.

In this article, you've learnt what causes the error, how to fix and preclude it from happening once again.

To recap, the best fashion to gear up the mistake is either by switching your mobile network, connecting to a VPN, or waiting it out.

Think, the mistake is temporary, and so fifty-fifty if you didn't manage to ready it, all y'all need to do is to look, and it'll somewhen be lifted.

Further Reading

⚡️ How to Unfollow Anybody on Instagram at Once

How to Discover Someone on Instagram Without Knowing Their Username

What Does "This story is no longer available" Mean on Instagram?

Why Does My Instagram Say Please Wait a Few Minutes Before You Try Again

Source: https://www.followchain.org/wait-before-try-again-instagram/

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