What to Do if You Dont Have a Martial Arts Gym Near You

Table of Contents

  • ane The Warm-Upward
    • ane.1 Pre Workout Stretching
    • 1.2 Jumping Rope
  • two Warm-upward Exercises Can Start With Uncomplicated Movements
  • 3 Body Weight Exercises
  • 4 Boxing Trainging While At Home
    • iv.one Shadowboxing
  • 5 Beginner Battle Combinations
  • 6 Learning Kickboxing Combinations
    • vi.ane Beginner Kickboxing Combinations
  • seven Practising Takedown Defence
  • viii MMA Metabolic Workout Programme
  • 9 Instructions For Metabolic Workout Workout
  • ten MMA Metabolic Conditioning I:
  • 11 MMA Forcefulness and Conditioning Workout Two:
  • 12 MMA Workout Workout Three:
  • 13 MMA Grappler Workout Four:
  • 14 The MMA Workout Cool Down

MMA or mixed martial arts is, for the most part, an individual sport. While most fighters practice have their gym and team behind them. What about if y'all want to train MMA at home, how much can y'all actually do?

You lot tin can practice many of the techniques and conditioning exercises used in MMA grooming at home. These include exercises to build stamina and workout. Working on your hitting and takedown defense force to set for the dojo or gym.

One of the keys to training MMA at home is making sure y'all are in a comfortable and well-aired infinite. Information technology is not advisable that you merely clear some space in your dining room. As you will be doing some pretty dynamic and explosive movements which could finish upwards hit off something.

And then my advice is to clear a good size area, preferably in your garage or even better outdoors if the weather is proficient. Actually in a perfect globe working out on your lawn on a dry day is about as skillful as you tin can get!

MMA is an extremely enervating physical activity, so if you swoop in headfirst and do not go properly prepared for the session, you may pay for it later on. So let's jump right into this and knock this i out of the park.

The Warm-Upward

Beingness warmed up correctly before you undertake any physically demanding activity is key to staying healthy. And then with that in mind, it is essential that you warm upwardly correctly before you go into the more intense MMA grooming workout.

A man stretches during a warm-up session.
Stretching before y'all begin your warm-up.

I am going to rapidly run through some warm-up and stretching exercises we utilize in the gym, to make certain your MMA workout goes as well as possible. Staying injury-free and able to train volition be the key to you moving forrad and growing in the sport.

Pre Workout Stretching

Stretching is key to maintaining elasticity in the ligaments and muscles. now in MMA, your body will sometimes be put in unusual situations and positions. The idea behind stretching is that your body is gear up for the stresses involved and working to its full range of motion.

  • Knee Heighten – knee up to your chest with i pes on the footing. This position helps both stretch your leg ligaments. Hold for 20 seconds.
  • Standing Hamstring Stretch – Stand upwards directly, knees together, slightly aptitude. Identify your hands on the side of your legs and slide them down every bit you curve forrard. The idea is that yous bend at the waist, stretching both the spine, back and legs. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Triceps Stretch – Standing or kneeling, curve your elbow and attain backside and touch the top middle of your back. Grab the elbow with the opposite hand and pull toward your head, repeat. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Butterfly Stretch – sit on the floor, very upright, placing feet sole to sole. Place your elbows on the inside of your thighs and gently lean forward. Utilize your elbows to push button down and stretch the groin ligaments as you lean forward. Concord for 45 seconds.
  • Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch – Kneel on 1 side leaving your trailing opposite leg behind face downward touching the footing. Lean frontward on the aptitude human knee stretching the other trailing leg, stretching the hip flexor. Hold for i minute.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is one of the best all-around exercises you tin do to warm up the entire torso. The activeness of skipping or jumping rope involves both the upper body, peculiarly the arms. Also as the legs, where you tin can work on a serial of different types of skips and jump combinations.

Complete MMA Training You Can Do At Home
Jumping rope to warm up the body.
  • Start by doing some basic skipping and try to mix in some variations as you get more confident.
  • Skip for possibly a total of 3 – 5 minutes, whatever feels comfy as skipping can be quite tiring.

Warm-up Exercises Can Offset With Simple Movements

  • Head rolls – correct to left, then left to right: Coil your head downward so your chin almost touches your chest, and then your ear to your shoulder, your head tilted dorsum and finishing off with your head on the opposite shoulder. All of which should be washed is 1 polish movement, first clockwise, and so anticlockwise.
  • Shoulder rolls – gyre your shoulder in a forrard, then a backward motion. Don't over-exaggerated the movement.
  • Ankle rolls – enhance your foot slightly off the floor and roll your ankle in one, and then some other direction. Do this for both ankles for xx seconds on each foot.
  • Knee rolls – slightly curve your knees, place the knees together and identify your hands on each human knee cap.
  • Windmills – standing with feet shoulder-width apart, with one mitt touching toes, the other arm should be to a higher place the head in a mirrored position. Alternate arms touching toes in a windmill like movement.

Body Weight Exercises

When you don't take sets of gym weights to work out, nothing can quite beat out bodyweight exercises. I regularly do bodyweight exercises as they are free and you can exercise them anywhere.

When you lot are training or fighting in MMA, you lot volition usually exist facing people your own size, specially in competition. And so what better mode than training with your ain body weight. Your own bodyweight volition give you lot the well-nigh realistic feeling of countering your opponent.

  • Squats – five x 20 Easily out in front for balance, equally though you are sitting down bring your thighs parallel with the flooring or slightly beneath.
  • Burpees – v x twenty Legs shoulder-width autonomously, bend at the human knee, then a jump with hands in a higher place head to a push-up position.
  • Lunges – three x 10 (each leg) an exaggerated stride forward, the front leg will be at a xc-degree angle. The trailing leg sits with the shin on the ground.
  • Push-ups – 5 10 ten (piece of work your way up to more) Try to mix these upward from diamond to close grip and regular. Keep practiced class with your trunk parallel to the floor.

Boxing Trainging While At Home

Now that you are well warmed up and your body feels solid. It's time to piece of work on your boxing. And of course, boxing is ane of the fundamentals of mixed martial arts. And battle is also one of the sports which you can train at dwelling on your own.

While you won't have someone in front end of you returning punches. What you lot can do in boxing is practise your technique, how you throw a punch. Where your anxiety are planted under you and your weight distribution.


Shadowboxing is all well-nigh you working on your positioning and punching technique. It is not hateful to be an exhaustive workout, merely rather a flowing routine where you try several combinations that flow from ane to another.

One of the key differences between the traditional boxing stance and that of MMA is that boxers do not have to worry nearly kicks or takedowns. And and so as a result, how they place their feet.

It is important that you mentally put yourself in the fight, past imagining at that place is an opponent in forepart of y'all. Permit yourself to circle around left and right, avoiding punches using good caput movement, but always protecting yourself from trikes.

It's good to imagine yourself taking both high kicks and low kicks. So parrying kicks to the head by using your hand with your elbow clenched in tight to defend. When it comes to depression kicks y'all will practice what is called checking kicks.

Checking kicks is done past raising the leg at the genu on the side you are being kicked. Yous then turn that leg outwards similar opening a door, so that your shin blocks the incoming boot. We saw Chris Weidman utilise this against Anderson Silva, and so we know how constructive it can be.

Beginner Battle Combinations

Having some solid boxing combinations that you can afterward build upon will get you lot a long way. It'southward better to initially stick with the basics and work your way up when y'all are nether supervision in the gym.

5 crucial punch combinations.
  • i-2 (Jab-Correct cantankerous) – The outset basic combination, a solid opener and get-to combination.
  • 1-1-ii (Jab-Jab-Cross) – As your opponent may exist expecting a 1-ii combination, this can exist a prissy surprise.
  • one-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left claw) – Shift your weight equally y'all throw the cantankerous ready you upwardly perfectly for the left hook.
  • ane-two-three-2 (Jab-Cross-Claw-Cantankerous) – The jab opens the baby-sit, followed by a right hand, the left and right again to finish.
  • ane-2-5-two (Jab-Cross-Left uppercut-Cross) – Nearly the same equally the previous combination, merely you lot add the uppercut for good measure.
  • ii-3-ii (Right cross-Left hook-Correct cross) – get-go with a right hand on an advancing opponent, followed up with a left hook and a hard correct hand to finish.
  • one-6-iii-2 (Jab-Correct uppercut-Left claw-Right paw) – Start with the jab, so mix in a right uppercut. Post-obit information technology up with a left hook and a correct mitt to finish.

Learning Kickboxing Combinations

Remember how I talked most defending against kicks. Well, now you demand to start being the attacker and throw some kicks. Ready the kicks upwardly with some punches, then end the combination with a high or low boot.

Call up that when you kick, yous can also get out yourself open up to takedowns and counters. This is the huge difference between traditional boxing or kickboxing in that takedowns can result in you catastrophe upwardly on the ground. And then utilise kicks only in the right situations and endeavor not to get into the habit of leaving yourself exposed.

Beginner Kickboxing Combinations

As orthodox is the virtually common opinion for the sake of this tutorial I will talk about some bones combinations in the orthodox stance. If you lot are a southpaw fighter, then you lot tin simply swap the left for right.

seven best basic offensive combinations.
  • Jab plus opposite (correct) low leg kicking.
  • Cross plus (left) low leg kick.
  • Jab plus (correct) Hight caput kicking.
  • Cross plus left High head kicking.
  • Jab plus (right) Overhand dial.
  • Jab plus right cross plus (left) High head kick.
  • Cantankerous plus a jab plus (correct) Low leg kicking.
  • Cantankerous plus (left) Hook to the torso plus (correct) High head kick.
  • Front boot plus Cross plus (left) Hook to the head.

Practising Takedown Defense

While continuing your shadowboxing, try to mix in some random double leg takedown defence moves, also known every bit a sprawl. This is done by imaging your opponent shooting in to try to grab you in the thigh area. If they are successful, they volition end up on top in a dominant position and we don't want that.

  • In reality, yous would be in summit position in a north-south position with your chest on your opponents back.
  • You can so movement from this position, keeping one claw nether the tum as yous pivot so that you are at present facing in the same direction around and try to have their back.
  • You lot practise defending takedowns by bending your knees slightly. And as the opponent shoots in, you throw both legs under and backside you lot.
  • So that you end up in a ascendant position with your hands on the ground.

Working the takedown defence during MMA training.

MMA Metabolic Conditioning Plan

Your MMA workout plan needs to consist of a skillful balance of both techniques a conditioning exercises. Outside of what we have already discussed, yous should as well be working hard on your overall metabolic workout and this can be easier said than done.

Workout is one of the hardest aspects of MMA training on your own every bit it's one of the most enervating. We love to throw smooth combinations with punches and kicks. But, if your conditioning is non upward to par and so you will be in trouble when it comes to sparring on fighting.

Metabolic conditioning will give yous the explosiveness and gas tank that will take you from a skilful competitor to a great competitor. What I want to do is give yous a breakup of one of the best in the concern from trainer Funk Roberts.

This is an overview of a more than extensive workout you can find in the link to this article where he gives the full workout and its benefits when it comes to grooming MMA on your ain. Information technology's recommended if possible that you lot accept some of the equipment for training. Including dumbbells and a kettlebell of something which replicates it for some of these exercises.

Each of these Exercises offers a full-body workout that targets all parts of the body that are essential to workout.

  • Kettlebell or Compound Strength Motility
  • Lunge or Squat
  • Abs or Core
  • Push button or Pull
  • Press

Instructions For Metabolic Conditioning Conditioning

Perform as many of the exercises in forty seconds every bit possible, with xx seconds of rest, before moving on to the adjacent movement! Make sure to warm upwards before and warm down subsequently the workout. The whole idea behind this type of interval training is to train the bodies own natural energy systems to exist more efficient.

These high-intensity workouts with their work and then rest construction. This ways that the body becomes more accustomed to explosive bursts of free energy requirements. Very much in the same way as we encounter in mixed martial arts. With fighters competing at ultra loftier intensity, and so trying to get small rests where needed.

MMA Metabolic Workout I:

Metabolic bodyweight workout.
  1. Side-to-Side Kettlebell Swings – step side to side while swinging dumbbell between legs.
  2. Alternating Single Leg Burpees – horizontal burpees, slightly throwing alternating legs in the air.
  3. Alternate Abs Bicycle Kicks – sitting down with hands behind y'all, with legs off basis use a cycling motion.
  4. Plyo Button Up Burpees – button clap to burpee.
  5. Zercher Forward Lunges – Every bit you alternating stepping forrard, hold the barbell in the groove of your elbow.
  6. Dumbbell Burpees – Agree the dumbbells in hands, while doing burpees. Keep arms by sides and don't raise overhead.
  7. Barbell Loftier Pulls – With an overhand grip, thrown bar from the lowest signal upwardly to the mentum expanse.
  8. Speed Climber Burpees – While horizontal facing floor, do stairclimber but add together in a burpee jump.
  9. Dumbbell Punches – With a medium to a heavy weight practice punching motion.
  10. Burpees – Traditional jumping motion burpees.

MMA Force and Conditioning Workout 2:

Grasshopper burpees.
  1. Heavy Kettlebell Loftier Pull Swings – Swinging the kettlebell or weight between your legs.
  2. Burpee Sprawls – Burpee to MMA sprawl, instead of a pushup.
  3. Rotational Mountain Climbers – Stair or mountain climber, only crisscrossing rotating legs and foot placement.
  4. Side-to-Side Slalom Burpees – Like traditional burpees with some side to side feet together foot jumps.
  5. Ground and Pound – Alternating Dumbbell Rows
  6. Double Burpees – Double pushup followed by a double burpee spring.
  7. Stability Brawl Curl UpsGrasshopper Burpees – With anxiety on a stability ball and mitt flat on the ground. Roll the brawl under your toes from foot to knee, all the time keeping your balance.
  8. Grasshopper Burpees – Alternate one foot then the other side to side under your body into a burpee.
  9. Dumbbell Side to Side Rows – With knees bent and a bent-over dorsum, utilize alternating weights in each mitt in a rowing motility.
  10. Burpee Speed Thrusters – regular burpee form, just done quickly with little jump elevation.

MMA Conditioning Workout Iii:

Metabolic monster workout.
  1. Dumbbell Deadlift Curls – Bending at the genu, as your stand curl the dumbells.
  2. Slalom Burpees – burpee into both legs jumping side to side in horizontal a movement.
  3. Abs V-Ups – Lying on your back, with arms and legs stretched out straight in line with your body, leaving you lower spine touching the mat, raise your easily and feet to class a V.
  4. Double Human knee Tap Burpees – Jumping the knees double-tap the outstretched easily at waist height, into a traditional burpee.
  5. Dumbbell Step Ups – Find a box or step, alternate step upwardly while property weights at sides.
  6. Double Push Up Burpees – Merely a double pushup into a burpee.
  7. Hand to Hand KB Depth Rows – Continuing on a height, curve over and in rowing motion alternating kettlebell between hands.
  8. Quad Thrust Burpees – Like a Stairclimber with both legs 4 times into a burpee.
  9. Alternating Side to Side Lateral Raises – Lifting dumbells out to the side to shoulder height, alternating betwixt both arms.
  10. Alternating Kick Thru Toe Touch Burpees – Burpee into passing alternate legs under your torso.

MMA Grappler Conditioning Four:

Workout for BJJ grapplers.
  1. DB Clean And Press – Dumbells in hands going from down by sides to overhead, shoulder height first and so overhead in two movements.
  2. Burpee Kick Thrus – Burpee into horizontal alternating leg kicks.
  3. Alternating Human knee Hip Thrusts – With your back on the ground, knees bent push button off raising one leg over your caput, then alternating.
  4. Rotating Burpees – Regular burpees, but rotate roughly 45 degrees each fourth dimension until you exercise 360 degrees rotation, then echo.
  5. Goblet Lunge – Holding a dumbbell upright with both hands in front of your breast. Step backwards with alternate legs, dropping down a niggling each fourth dimension.
  6. Bunny Hop Sprawls – Crouched down on knees, hop five times followed by a burpee, then repeat.
  7. Inverted Rows – using some TRX (or alternating rope) with feet to footing lean back at 70 degrees. Utilize arms to extend then pull yourself back to same position.
  8. Rolling Burpees – Burpee to afterwards rolling of your body across the floor, then echo burpee.
  9. SandBag Shouldering Side To Side Cleans – Using a sandbag or heavy pocketbook, bend knees and from floor thrown the handbag over alternating shoulders.
  10. Burpee Thrusters Speed – burpee/sprawl to knees bent armed outstretched position, then repeat.

There are up to four more MMA workouts in the series by Funk MMA that you can check out in the link above. Simply the conditioning aspect of MMA cannot exist overemphasised.

Some of the greatest fighters in the globe have been found wanting when they faced a fighter with superior conditioning. If you can get the conditioning aspect of your MMA training down, you can go along to then multiply your results inside the cage.

The MMA Workout Cool Down

Cooling down is something that is recommended. I personally do relatively little cooling downward, just some light stretching. Combined with some neck strengthening exercises.

If you are in the MMA gym, most people will do some calorie-free rolling combined with simply walking around the mats. Perhaps some boosted stretching just to cap things off.

If you accept had a really tough MMA session you probably won't be much proficient for annihilation else. Having brought right to the edge of getting physically sick from how hard the training can be. The last thing I then want to do is a long warm-down session, only give me that hot shower, delight.

And so I promise this overview offers yous some insight and practical communication from my own lived experience. That you can then utilise to bring you to the adjacent level in your personal goals. MMA grooming at home tin exist done to supplement your training in the gym, but nix beats the real affair. So see you in that location soon!


Source: https://fightnomads.com/mma-training-you-can-do-at-home

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