Trapped in a Box Drawing

How to become your next level in life with these insights from a $25K painting.

Do you lot ever feel trapped? Or frustrated? Do you feel like you're not progressing as much or every bit quickly equally you'd like? Are you not as imaginative — do you lot not have as much fun — are you lot non equally excited nearly life as you would like to be?

Is it sometimes as if you're spinning your wheels?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the proverbial box.

Only the skilful news is you can bust out of that stinkin' box right at present and quickly enter your ideal world.

"The Box"

"If yous don't become out of the box you were raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the globe is." — Angelina Jolie

I'm all too familiar with existence in the box. I've been a speaker and business consultant for decades, and have also been serving equally the leader of church congregations (as Bishop) for 8 years. Through all this I've seen people, marriages and businesses that are figuratively stuck in a box.

And bluntly, I know what it's like because I've personally been there at times myself. (Haven't we all?)

"The Bike"

"Zero compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike." — John F. Kennedy.

To illustrate what life can exist like for you lot subsequently breaking out of the box, here'southward a unproblematic analogy:

Do y'all remember the joy you felt as a child riding a bicycle? Do you remember the showtime time y'all rode a bicycle some distance from your dwelling?

For me it was riding my bike equally a petty male child to the Snack Shack on the embankment near my home in Santa Barbara. I was surprised past and loved the feeling of freedom and the new world I experienced riding along the beach. Wind blowing against my face— nothing holding me back — what a fourth dimension.

What was it similar for you lot?

"When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world." — John Lennon.

The Beatles on bikes

I share this because I see riding a bike every bit a kid like to what nosotros experience when we finally get out of the box. You besides can feel that feeling of liberty and exhilaration in your life.



"The Painting"

"I think nosotros're much smarter than nosotros were. Everybody knows that abstruse fine art can be fine art, and most people know that they may non like it, even if they empathise there'southward another purpose to it." — Roy Lichtenstein

Timothy Paulson with his painting "Out of the Box"

What practice you see in the painting above?

Some people may merely see a mess — while others (including me) run into a totally awesome abstract painting with a profound bulletin.

The painting is priced at $25,000. When I painting it 7 years ago I titled it Out of the Box . It has a red box with an explosion and all kinds of move going on around the canvas, representing busting out of the box yous're in.

(I detect success principles in the art I personally create. Every time I pick upward a paint brush to first a new painting I get a bit giddy because I know it's going to be a procedure of discovery and learning.)

Insights to getting out of the box were made crystal clear to me through this piece of art.

Here are the 3-Key Insights to Getting "Out of the Box" and to Your Next Level

1. "Be Deliberate"

"I believe that we tin can, in a deliberate style, clear the kind of people nosotros want to go. "— Clayton Christensen

Yous tin't get out of the box by just waiting around, wishing for information technology to happen. It simply doesn't happen by itself. You must be deliberate — knowing what you lot want, and taking action to get it.

To illustrate, I was very deliberate in the creation of my Out of the Box painting. I knew exactly what I wanted to cease up with — a painting that visually represented the concept of breaking out of the box.

In the same vein, in society to exit of the box and on to the next level in your life, you must be deliberate. You lot need to know what you desire — what the next level even looks like to you.

You can deliberately influence — through your plans, values, thoughts, choices and behaviors — your futurity and what type of person you become. This includes your wellness, your relationships, your listen, your emotions, your spirituality — all of you.

First go clear on where you lot want to go, meaning what getting out of the box and to the next level looks like. Next comes how you're going to become there, which leads me to the second key…

2. "Embrace Emergents"

Emergents are things that are always a surprise. How you get out of the box and to the adjacent level is often emergent subsequently you take some deliberate activeness. You must be open up to the unexpected and what emerges along the fashion.

Rarely does a deliberate program plow out to be the exact programme that takes y'all to the next level.

Problems and roadblocks volition be encountered with your deliberate plan, only new and better options will become evident to yous.

As an artist, my paintings look much dissimilar when finished than what I envisioned at the start. For instance, I simply started the three minor paintings pictured below — and they'll end upwards looking totally unlike than they practise now. (I'll bear witness the finished paintings and share the principles I acquire from painting them in a future article, I'm sure.)

Each painting is my deliberate first, which will lead to interesting emergents as I piece of work on these.

Iii 16"x20" paintings I merely started — and I'm excited to see what volition sally.

Problems and opportunities create emergents. Artists constantly experiment, adjust, correct, iterate. We observe problems and opportunities nosotros hadn't seen before.

Can you lot see how it's important for you to do the same?

Though deliberate in how I planned and worked on my Out of the Box painting, I was surprised by an emergent that fabricated it better.

Here's what I mean: the final thing I painted in Out of the Box was the carmine box in the centre of the work — representing the proverbial box we demand to break out of. Simply when I stepped dorsum to expect at it, the ruddy box just didn't look right — information technology didn't look finished.

Here'due south a photo so y'all can see for yourself:

There it was, just as I'd planned it. Merely it didn't await right.

It was static and boring.

As I looked at that box I knew it needed something unlike. I hadn't planned it previously, but the emergent was an idea to add some drips of paint to the box.

I grabbed some paint and got busy. Hither'south a photo of what emerged…

It looks much better at present, doesn't it? More than texture and move, and it's more than congruent with the remainder of the painting.

If you lot await around for something to happen, yous'll probable be waiting a long fourth dimension. It's the person who takes action who breaks out of the box. It'south those folks who notice something new forth the mode.

When you deliberately move forwards, an emergent volition appear — and your emergent strategy then can become your deliberate strategy. Embrace this process.

3. "Don't Compromise Who You Are"

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner vox." — Steve Jobs

I'k certainly influenced by other artists. For example, I started painting with my artist father Buck Paulson when I was 2-years old, and I'yard happy to take been influenced by him and the piece of work of other artists like Jackson Pollock and Gerhardt Richter. Just I paint the way I want to pigment — using methods that allow me to express myself the way I desire.

At a recent Genius Network coming together led past my friend Joe Smoothen, Kathy Kolbe (of Kolbe Corp) said:

"Don't compromise who you are…be free to be yous…be yourself, otherwise you'll be nobody…you have to be who you are, otherwise you lot disappear…practise it your way."

I encounter "otherwise you disappear" as another way of describing "existence stuck in the box."

How much is your growth stunted — how restricted are you — how firmly are you in a box — because you try to be someone you aren't — because y'all aren't authentically you?

At the 2016 Genius Network Annual Event, author and Hall of Fame speaker Sally Hogshead said, " It's amend to exist unlike than to be better ." Of form, she nor I suggest that we shouldn't be striving to become the best we can go. In fact, that's the message inherent in this article itself. What Sally means is there's high value in being different, in standing out from others.

So what's the all-time fashion to be dissimilar?

By existence yourself considering there'southward no ane else quite like you.

It'south true!

In society to movement out of the box, and get to your next level in life, you've got to be yourself, different than anyone else. Otherwise y'all're a article — yous disappear — and yous're stuck because you're unauthentic.


This Out of the Box painting is different. Information technology's an activity painting with a deliberate theme, and an emergent message.

(In fact, all of my art is dissimilar. Accept a look at my gallery here: art-gallery)

The painting itself illustrates Out of the Box in these ways:

First, the viewer of the painting tin run into a literal box with some movement within, simply the huge action happens outside the box.

Second, this piece is out of the box itself — it'southward anarchistic — unlike other fine art you've seen.

In that location'south ever an exciting next level for you

"It is not possible to solve the problem on the aforementioned level at which it originated. You lot need to ascent above this problem, up, to the next level to run into it from other perspective." — Albert Einstein

Perhaps the nigh important aspect of going to the next level in life is knowing there actually is a adjacent level, and that you can get at that place.

After yous bust out of the box, you tin go to the next level of success once more and once more.

At that place's always a next level in life yous can get to. Isn't it true that when you progress in some area of your life, y'all await around and are able to then see there's a side by side level college than that one?

That can exist an endless and heady process.

The same 3-keys utilise to going to "the Side by side Level."

  1. Be Deliberate. Know what the next level looks similar and deliberately pursue it.
  2. Embrace Emergents. The path to the next level will sally in ways yous don't look equally you take deliberate action.
  3. Authenticity— it's the path to the next level. Be different past being yourself. Your next level can be whatsoever you wish it to be — unique to you lot, and different anyone else's.

The Out of the Box painting truly represents the adjacent level with its potpourri of color, movement and expression outside the box.


"Instead of thinking exterior the box, get rid of the box." — Deepak Chopra

What does Out of the Box hateful to you lot? To me information technology'south a very exciting concept — it represents what exists when we go beyond the boundaries — to create something truly special and awe inspiring in life. Information technology'south where nosotros brand the biggest difference in our lives, in our careers, in our business concern…in the world.

I manifested out of the box work in creating this piece of art. Fine art I'd washed in my younger years always felt limiting to me, while my piece of work today allows for complete freedom of expression — with no boundaries.

The 3-keys I've shared in this commodity are of form not the only way to be right almost how to become unstuck and to progress in life. I trust y'all've found what I've shared an enlightening approach for y'all.

I'thousand inviting YOU to motility outside the box in your life — to get across the boundaries to the side by side level of success for you lot, whatsoever y'all want that to look like.

I'll see you lot in that location.

A Gratis $100 Gift to Help You Exit of The Box

Would you like a FREE impress of my Out of the Box painting? This has a value of $100, just it's my souvenir to you. I'll send you a good resolution photo of the painting — forth with written authorization for you to make 1 impress of it for your own use — and you can take information technology printed off in whatever size you lot wish for your own personal enjoyment. Every bit you lot look at it every mean solar day, information technology'll be a reminder and a powerful visual image for you to bust out of the box and get to the side by side level.

Just electronic mail me with the subject line "Out of the Box" at, and I'll email you the photograph file right away.

You tin can visit my online fine art gallery by clicking HERE.

OUT OF THE BOX — painted by Timothy Paulson


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